Senin, 28 Mei 2012

Consultant Tax Audit

Whoever you are, chances investigation remains open. Tax audit is one of the most avoided by every taxpayer. In fact, taxpayers often have to pay another amount that is considered less taxes paid. No half-hearted, it is possible amount to be paid the amount of tens or even hundreds of times more than the amount of tax paid. These facts and the real.

The phenomenon is it really? On the one hand our tax system is not perfect indeed. On the other hand, this is compounded by the quality of their own taxpayers who are always trying to find a way - good or bad - to avoid paying taxes. This may encourage taxpayers to try to "outsmart" the books and can provoke the authorities to constantly suspicious. This apparent lack overlaid by a lack of understanding on the side of taxpayers and state tax authorities easily make corrections.

Is too difficult if the taxpayer of the tax system as soon expect to get better and ideal. This is the same as hope everyone turns into voluntarily pay taxes. It's hard to expect that the tax code becomes more comprehensible and understandable, easy and inexpensive as soon as possible. For we know, interest is increasing the income tax authorities and regulate a variety of things in terms of taxation.

And we know also, that the interests of the taxpayer is to reduce the maximum load including the tax burden. This is clearly contradictory. Conditions that conflict could be perceived as an arena of games and competition, or as a form of cooperation to share the welfare arena, between the taxpayer, the people and country. Any orientation and point of view you choose, one thing is certain is that you as taxpayers must have enough stock. How much is enough?

Adequacy of provisions that must be measured from the characteristics of the arena itself. What are they?

First, the provision that you need is a collection of rules. All interaction with the tax authorities should be guided by the rules. You need a database software taxation.

Next, you must be willing to take the time to continue to understand and update the tax rules and regulations of the tax, because every step and your business transactions must be staked out by the tax.

Next, you need to know how to prepare and deal with accounting for tax audit.

Then, you have to understand also how to deal and interact with the tax inspector in real time.

Next, you need to know and understand how to argue and communicate with tax authorities in order to maintain the amount of tax that you pay for, so do not have to pay taxes again.

Then, you must know how to respond to the attitudes and behavior of the apparatus correctly and wisely, so that no false step or wrong way and the wrong behavior.

Then, you must know how to maneuver in order to avoid the unfortunate situation when dealing with the examiner. Once everything is finished, you should also know how to follow up the results of tax audits. And that should be followed by an understanding of how to adapt to a variety of things in the books and transactions.

By looking at the results of a review of records or bookkeeping clients in complying with tax laws and regulations, identifying potential tax liability and plan the steps to address them in terms of facing tax audits.

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